Opioid Crisis...Letter to raise awareness and concern
In the January 2022 newsletter Barbara Armbruster urged us to write our member of parliament or anyone you think might be helpful in addressing this serious problem
Below is the link to then Globe and Mail editorial which appeared last Saturday stressing the importance of government action to deal with this serious situation.
These are the links for the letter you can use to send to your recipientin English or in French . They are in Word format and can be easily adapted and/or modified. Or, you can write your own letter.
The Federal Minister of Mental Health and Addictions is Dr. Carolyn Bennet
Thank you to Barbara Armbruster and Chitra Chopra on their work in writing and submitting this important resolution to CFUW.
Provincial Council of Women of Quebec and the Quebec Council of University Women's Clubs
With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have become painfully aware of many of our elders' abuse and neglect in senior care residences. The excessive number of fatalities in long-term facilities, inadequate protective equipment, shortages of health professionals and staff, insufficient ventilation, and the lack of facilities maintenance is a testament to this neglect. Your voice and action are needed to address the deficiencies in our long-term care facilities (CHSLDs).
The MLUWC is asking you sign this petition, which will help facilitate the needed paradigm shift in how society views and treats the elderly.
This is a joint initiative spearheaded by the PCWQ and the Quebec Council of University Women's Clubs (QCUWCs). The petition calls for the Quebec government to strengthen its standards in long-term care facilities (CHSLDs). It is essential that as many Quebecers as possible sign this petition in the National Assembly. This will unequivocally signal to the government that our most vulnerable citizens must be treated with dignity and respect.
To achieve the most significant number of signatures, we are asking you to sign the petition and to actively commit to obtain a minimum of 5 other signatures. You can solicit the support of all Quebec residents aged 18 and over: your spouses, your children, your friends, your neighbours, your relatives, and the members of your social networks. We ask that you please encourage your contacts to share this letter and petition with their networks. Without collective efforts, this petition will not succeed in providing needed changes to the treatment of our most vulnerable seniors living in long term care facilities.
Please click either the French or English version of the petition below. The process is easy. You fill out the information requested (name, postal code, email, etc.). Once signed, you will receive an email from the National Assembly asking for your confirmation. You must reply and click confirmation for your support to count.
Bill 21 The Montreal Lakeshore University Women’s Club is proud to be part of a diverse and multicultural Quebec. The MLUWC is an organization committed to the promotion of human rights and justice. The MLUWC supports the rights of people to express their religion and culture in a free and democratic society in their choice of religious symbols or dress. This right would be denied to some people by Bill 21.